Check-Up EMG Non-Invasive Cardiology Unit
Tread -Mill (Effort Test)
Holter for pressure
The effort test can be summarized as continuous monitoring of the ECG and periodic record-keeping as the exercise is progressively increasing. This is one of the tests that are used to investigate cardiovascular diseases.
Exercise is carried out on a strip running called a “treadmill” or on a bike at a certain time and speed.
Due to unnecessary intervention procedure and low cost method is desirable and very acceptable.
The heart rate is increased by treadmilling the patient on a rotating belt or by pedaling on a stationary bicycle. Walking speed and inclination are adjusted by the doctors to provide resistance and fatigue during exercise. At this time, ECG recordings taken from the patient are analyzed on the computer. At the same time, it is recorded whether exercise complains about blood pressure and pulse changes, the patient’s chest pain and shortness of breath. Disorders not seen in normal ECG can be detected by this test. Effort testing provides great convenience in the early diagnosis and diagnosis of heart diseases.
The effort test is performed during standard physical activity, which is increasingly tightened and controlled. The aim is to determine whether the patient has cardiovascular disease and to determine the weight of the disease through some specific criteria.
Briefly summarize the reasons for doing:
- To reveal patients with stenosis in the heart vessels and to determine the seriousness of the disease
- Determine risk in patients with heart attack
- To follow the treatment results
- Investigate the degree of hypertension
- Measuring Effort Capacity
- It plays an important role in the identification of rhythm disorders caused by effort.
- It is an important diagnostic tool in the evaluation of chest pain. It determines whether the chest pain is caused by the heart.
Check – Up or ‘Periodic Health Screening’ consists of anamnesis, examinations and examinations conducted in order to detect some diseases which may exist in a hidden form in human beings at an earlier stage, even if there is no obvious complaint.
Until that day, preventive measures such as lifestyle (smoking, alcohol, exercise) and changes in nutritional habits may be suggested, or medical and surgical treatments and interventions may be implemented in a protective nature if the illnesses or conditions that cause the illness are not known. This can prevent the disease from occurring in the future or prevent the disease from progressing at an early stage.
- HEART CHECK-UP: Clinical examination (cardiology)+ Echocardiography+ Test effort+ Glucose + HDL cholesterol + Total cholesterol +Triglyceride+ Creatinine + LDL cholesterol
- GENERAL CHECK-UP: Clinical examination (Internal Medicine) + ECG + Glucose+ Creatinine+ SGPT+ Urine analysis+ Total cholesterol +Triglycerides + + Blood count (18 parameters) + PA lung+ abdomen USG
- BREAST CHECK-UP: Polyclinic Examination (General Surgery) + Mammography (Double Sided) + Breast USG (Double Sided)
- NEUROLOGICAL CHECK-UP: Polyclinic Examination (Neurology) + Echocardiography + ECG + Glucose + HDL Cholesterol + LDL Cholesterol + Total Cholesterol + Triglyceride + Sedimentation + Blood Count (18 Parameters)
- PROSTAT CHECK – UP: Polyclinic Examination (Urology) + Creatinine + Urine analysis + Total PSA + Product System USG
- CHECK-UP FOR MEN UNDER 45 YEARS OF AGE: Polyclinic Examination (Internal Medicine) + Effort Test + BUN + GGT + Glucose + Creatinine + Potassium + SGOT (AST) + SGPT (ALT) + Sodium + Urine analysis+ Total Cholesterol + Triglyceride + Sedimentation + Blood Count (18 Parameters) + HBSAG + Lung PA
- CHECK-UP FOR WOMEN UNDER 45 YEARS OF AGE: Polyclinic Examination (Internal Medicine) + Breast Examination (General Surgery) + Polyclinic Examination (Gynecology) + ECG + BUN + GGT + Glucose + Creatinine + Potassium + SGOT (AST) + SGPT (ALT) + Sodium + Urine analysis + Total Cholesterol + Triglyceride + Sedimentation + Blood Count (18 Parameters) + Vaginal Smear + HBSAG + Mammography + Lung PA + All Abdomen USG
- CHECK-UP FOR MAN OVER 45 YEARS OF AGE: Blood + Glucose + Glucose + HDL Cholesterol + Creatinine + Potassium + SGOT (Blood Glucose) + Blood + GGT + Blood + GGT + Polyclinic Examination (Internal Medicine) + Polyclinic Examination (Urology) + Effort Test (Cardiology) + Alkaline Phosphatase + AST) + SGPT (ALT) + Sodium + Total Urine + Total Cholesterol + Triglyceride + Uric Acid + Sedimentation + Blood Count (18 Parameters) + TSH + HBSAG + Total PSA + Lung PA + All Abdomen USG
- CHECK-UP FOR WOMEN OVER 45 YEARS OF AGE: Polyclinic Examination (Internal Medicine) + Breast Examination (General Surgery) + Polyclinic Examination (Gynecology) + Eforest Test + BUN + GGT + Glucose + HDL Cholesterol + Calcium + Creatinine + Potassium + SGOT ) + SGPT (ALT) + Sodium + Complete Urinary Tract + Alkaline Fostafaz + Total Cholesterol + Triglyceride + Sedimentation + Blood Count (18 Parameters) + Vaginal Smear + HBSAG + Mammography + Lung PA + Whole Abdomen USG
- CHECK-UP FOR MANAGER (MALE): Polyclinic Examination (Internal Medicine) + Polyclinic Examination (Urology) + Polyclinic Examination (Cardiology) + Echocardiography + Effort Test + Alkaline Phosphatase + BUN + Glucose + HDL Cholesterol + Calcium + Creatine + LDL Cholesterol + Potassium + SGOT (AST) + SGPT (ALT) + Sodium + Urinary analysis + Total Cholesterol + Triglyceride + Uric Acid + Blood Count (18 Parameters) + TSH + HBSAG + Lung PA + Total Abdomen USG + Total PSA
- CHECK-UP FOR MANAGER (FEMALE): Polyclinic Examination (Internal Medicine) + Polyclinic Examination (General Surgery) + Polyclinic Examination (Gynecology) + Polyclinic Examination (Cardiology) + Echocardiography + Efor Test + Alkaline Phosphatase + BUN + Glucose + HDL Cholesterol + Calcium + Creatinine + LDL Cholesterol + Potassium + SGOT (AST) + SGPT (ALT) + Sodium + Total Urine Assay + Total Cholesterol + Triglyceride + Uric Acid + Blood Count (18 Parameters) + TSH + Vaginal Smear + HBSAG + Lung PA + Whole Abdomen USG
- CHECK-UP FOR SMOKERS: Polyclinic Examination (Cardiology) + Polyclinic Examination (Pulmonary Diseases) + Pulmonary Function Test + Thorax CT + Effort Test + ECO + Blood Count (18 Parameters) + CRP + TigE + SGOT (AST) + SGPT (ALT) + Urea + Creatinine + AKS + HDL Cholesterol + LDL Cholesterol + Triglyceride + Lipoprotein A + Homocysteine + Fibrinogen
- CHECK-UP FOR CHILDREN (6 – 14 YEARS): Polyclinic Examination (Pediatrics) + Polyclinic Examination (Eye) + Polyclinic Examination (ENT) + Polyclinic Examination (Psychologist) + Policlinic Examination (Dental Practice) + Total urine test + Fecal Parasite Examination + Blood Count (18 Parameters) + Lung PA + All Abdomen USG
- GYNECOLOGICAL CHECK-UP: Polyclinic Examination (Gynecology) + PAP Smear + Mammography + Total Cholesterol + HDL Cholesterol + Triglyceride + Lung PA + LDL Cholesterol + SGOT (AST) + SGPT (ALT) + Creatinine + Urine analysis