In Academy Hospital-department of chest diseases, pulmonary diseases are examined, treated and impressed. The department, which is supported by the technological devices in our hospital, serves for the early diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

Chest Diseases:
The specialist who deals with the treatment of Respiratory System diseases in the thoracic cage. The respiratory system starts from the nose and sinuses and continues to the extreme end of the lung.

It is a chronic lung disease with attacks of breathlessness, wheezing, coughing, chest tightness. With the crisis, the patient is in the early stages of the illness, and the patient is completely normal during the crisis. It is quite common. In developed countries it is more prevalent while in some countries about 10%. This is an inherited (genetic) disease. Triggered by many factors. Factors such as ALLERGY, domestic and environmental air pollution, psychological problems and stress, smoking, cold air, exercise, certain medicines, certain occupational environments, upper and lower respiratory tract diseases, chemical substances, cleaning substances and perfumes, gastric reflux can trigger asthma. Smoking is a major risk factor. Smoking at home, also reflects adversely on children during pregnancy, smokers are more likely to develop asthma in their infants.

In some cases, it is a simple finding like a manic episode, but in some cases there are very severe breathlessness and wheezing episodes. Often associated with allergies to the upper respiratory tract, cold, sneezing, nasal congestion may be associated with asthma findings.

The most common house dust mites (arthropods that make up the vast majority of the acarine subspecies, with mite or mite, with the skin being fed with skin dust and particles spilled out of the human body [citation needed] Living with billions of mites in the human body most carpets, seats, beds and fur or in dirty environments Mites that live in damp areas and cause asthma can be seen through a microscope There are mites growing up to a size of 55 microns A piece of skin is enough to feed 1,000,000 mites There are 156 kinds of mites In a bed used for 5 years, 10 million mites are believed to live in. They pose great danger to human health.) Cat dogs feathers, tree and flower pollen, mold fungi, allergies.

While it is quite easy to diagnose during a crisis, the crisis can be difficult between them. Respiratory Function Test, Allergy Test, Lung Graph, Some Blood Tests are required for this. Treatment while it is possible to treat in the early stages of asthma, only complaints can be controlled in advanced stages. The most important medicines are inhalers (inhalation spray and powder medicines) taken by inhalation. They are extremely safe and do not make habit. They can also be used safely during pregnancy.

Medicines are used as a relief during a period of partial crisis, and some are medicines that prevent crises and control asthma. If used regularly, asthma does not progress and patients maintain their normal life if these drugs are not used regularly, asthma progresses and complaints from the patient are constant. Regular Chest Disease Specialist control is very important.

COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease):

  1. It is a chronic obstructive lung disease. The difference between asthma is a progressive and permanent disease.
  2. Cough, Sputum Bleeding, Rustling, Shortness of breath, sometimes purpling face.
  3. It is a growing disease all over the world and is ranked 5th in death causes. 2.5 million people died from COPD. There are nearly 3 million COPD patients in Turkey.
  4. The most important factor in this disease is SIGARA.
  5. Dust in the workplace, air pollution, infections are also risk factors. In the early stages, because of the shortness of breath at advanced exercises, the disease is ignored in these stages and the disease progresses and the doctor is referred to late stages. This makes the treatment difficult. Treatment in COPD varies according to disease stages and should be continuous.
  6. COPD is a progressive and impaired disease. In advanced stages, module, swelling in feet and even right heart failure are seen. Especially in the winter months attacks are increasing. Pulmonary Function Tests, Lung Graphs, ECG, Blood tests and, if necessary, Lung Tomography are used for diagnosis. In COPD, inhaler medicines, phlegm remover, breath openers are used. Protective grafts are made.
  7. The treatment should be continuous and regular Chest Disease Specialists check.
  8. Treatment is not possible until the smoke is present. Cigarettes should be required to leave

Lung Cancer:
It is the most common cancer in men. Women are also in the top rankings. Cigarette smoking is increasing in increasing countries. Approximately one-fifth of cancer cases are lung cancer, while about one-third of cancer deaths are of lung cancer. Cancers with the lowest probability of 5-year survival.

Cough, sputum production loss of appetite, weight loss, loss of strength, fatigue, fever, pain, blood sputum are important findings. Organs that have spread can also be seen. Smokers tie some findings to cigarettes, which leads to delay the treatment of diseases.

A person who smokes 20 years is 25 times more likely to have a risk of having Lung Cancer. For this reason, it is absolutely necessary to examine these findings in smokers.

Pulmonary Grafiography, Sputum Tests, Lung Tomography, Bronchoscopy (internal examination of airways) should be performed. Smokers over the age of 40 must pass Chest Disease Control every year and should have Lung graph.

In early stages, the chance of treatment is very high, and the chances of treatment in advanced stages are very low.

Lung Surgery, Drug and Radiation Therapy is applied.

Pulmonary Tuberculosis:
This disease, known as tuberculosis, is as old as human history and it was discovered 130 years ago by Koch.

Pulmonary tuberculosis may include cough, sputum production, blood spitting, and shortness of breath in advanced cases as well as general symptoms such as weight loss, loss of appetite, mild fever, sweating in the nights, fatigue. Diabetes mellitus, advanced nutritional disorders, severe stress, AIDS disease, some occupational diseases and alcoholism may cause more frequent infections.

When these findings are present, Lung Graph, Sputum Test, Skin Test (PPD) should be performed. If there is a disease, the family should be screened. Treatment is regular and controlled medication. Regular checks are scheduled at 6 months.

Apnea during sleep, respiratory sleep disturbance:

  1. During sleep, breathing is weakening and stopping. Too much snoring
  2. At this stage the oxygen is low. This is continuous and iterative result, sleep rhythm and continuity of the sleep is bad and the night sleep is not enough. Leads to daytime sleepiness, attention deficit, memory loss, headaches. In advanced stages there is a risk of drowsiness while driving and cause an accident
  3. Weight gain, genetic factors, stress, alcohol, upper respiratory tract anatomical disorders cause this disease to occur
  4. Diagnose with SLEEP TEST. Treatment is special. CPAP device is used. Some patients may require surgery. Alcohol should be dropped, weight should be given
  5. Patients with untreated and progressive Sleep Apnea can make traffic accidents, blood pressure, stroke risk is higher.

Pneumonia (pneumonia)

  1. It is a lung infection and comes with bacteria, viruses, parasites
  2. The alveoli (air bag) are filled with the infected cells and they are inflammatory
  3. High fever, chills, sputum production, frequent breathing, fatigue, cough, chest pain, and advanced pneumonia may cause shortness of breath, or bruising and in advanced stages of pneumonia leads to respiratory failure and blue face.
  4. Age, smoking, cold air, chronic heart disease, alcoholism , substance dependency, a neurological disease, inhalation of harmful gases, all of these factors which cause the disease. Lung Graph, Sputum and Blood examinations, Lung Tomography are performed for diagnosis.
  5. The therapy treatment depends on many factors, age, presence of other disease of the lung or heart disease, kidney diseases, alcohol addiction, or other substance, etc. If you do not response to 3 day antibiotic treatment at home you should be hospitalized. Sometimes Intensive Care is also needed.