Obstetrics and Gynecology

The Academy Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology serves you with modern birth rooms with the serious responsibility of bringing a new life to life.

From the moment you decide to become pregnant:

1. To follow your baby up to the day you took your baby into the arms
2. For an easy birth
3. For happy and healthy generations  In our private hospital Akademi Hospital, we offer the latest monitoring the conditions of pregnancy and single room accommodation after birth or cesarean delivery, perfect service of patient care.

Private Academy Hospital:

1. Normal pregnancy follow-up.
2. Early pregnancy screening (nuchal thickness between 11-14 weeks) and screening test
3. Triple test (16-18 week intelligence test)
4. Ultrasonography Anomaly Screening (20 weeks)
5. Amniocentesis (water intake from baby slaughter)
6. Fetal and Placental Doppler examination (Color ultrasound)
7. Gestational Diabetes Screening (Sugar loading test in pregnancy)
8. NST (No stress Test – print baby heart sounds and uterine contractions)
9. Continuous monitoring during birth.
10. Risky Pregnancy Management (Pregnancy poisoning and pregnancy related diabetes etc.)
11. We are doing multiple pregnancy follow-up.

In the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics:

1. In Vitro fertilization (IVF)
2. Infertility treatment and ovulation.
3. Rahim filming and (HSG-Hystero- salpingography)
4. Family planning counseling and spiral placement.
5. Menopause follow-up and treatment.
6. Cervical cancer scan (Pap Smear)
7. Trans-abdominal and trans-vaginal ultrasonography.
8. Stress incontinence treatment and surgeon.
9. Gynecological operations (Myoma-over cyst etc.)
10. Laparoscopic operations are performed.

Care and concern for your baby after birth:

1. “Newborn examination” made after childbirth by a child specialist.
2. Newborn trolley and incubator facility.

Painless delivery (Epidural Anesthesia):
Is a method that is applied without the loss of your consciousness and without harming your baby with the help of medicine given by injection to the epidural area. It allows you to hear pain without obstructing birth contractions.

Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA): It
is a method of interrupting the pain of the patient who felt pain during and after the birth, with the medication given by a button pressed by him. As you might have guessed, the application needle (anesthetic) there is no possibility of paralysis.

The Academy Hospital is near you with the happiness of helping individuals to reach the happiness of having children. The modern devices used in the diagnosis and treatment of women’s diseases provide the most accurate results and the most appropriate treatment method is managed by the expert staff of Akademi Hospital.